Monday 7 December 2015

Princess - Secrets to Share by Jean Sasson

Reviewed by Desere

First of all let me start by saying this book is not for the faint of heart, it involves a lot of heart wrenching , gut tearing real life happenings that will make the strongest of strong brake down in tears.

Princess Al- Saud teams up with author Jean Sasson and let's the reader in on every single detail of life in Saudi Arabia as a woman. It's a hard life , there are no nice days, no good things, no understanding from the male race at all, only the hope that someone will take pity and help you get out of the everyday hell.

Ladies , take  a moment and think about how easy your life is when you get up in the morning, you can wear what you want, eat what you want, drive to work, go to school, become whatever you want to, and there is not such thing as having the fear of giving birth to a girl and then because your husband wants to avoid any embarrassment befalling the family name , he goes out to the desert and buries the child in the sand and you never see her alive again, there simply are no basic human rights for any of the woman in Saudi Arabia.

The author and Princess take you through the lives of the woman who suffer at the hands of men and the absolute disgraceful manner of having to be told to not this and to this and that each day of their lives. Such as the story , which I will tell you will forever remain in my mind- of the abandoned mother of twin girls , alone , desperate and at the end of her rope, she was rescued by the Princess and now has a life of her own , and best of all she lives in safety with her family.

Many innocent woman's stories are discussed and dissected and really puts the reader at the front row, I felt every emotion, cried every single tear with these woman and felt my heart rejoice for those who make it out but my heart also shattered for those that simply are not as lucky.

As I said this book is not for the faint of heart, but if you want to know what life is really like for other woman, or if you feel your life is miserable , then read this book you will find that your life is not half as bad as the lives of these woman , trapped in an endless battle of being ruled but those who they cannot fight.

5/5 star review - Highly recommended read

" Life behind the veil hides more sorrow than the world will ever know" 

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